Publication de l’ouvrage “Building Justice: Frank Iacobucci and the Life Cycles of Law” de Shauna Van Praagh

Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la publication de l’ouvrage “Building Justice: Frank Iacobucci and the Life Cycles of Law ” de Shauna Van Praagh, auprès de University of Toronto Press.

Building Justice: Frank Iacobucci and the Life Cycles of Law draws on the contributions of Canadian jurist Frank Iacobucci to provide critical insight into the study of law and the contours of engaged citizenship through law.  Grounded in Iacobucci’s own voice intertwined with voices of individuals, including the author, whose life projects have been marked by the intersection of their paths with his, the book takes the unique shape of a narrative collage.  Readers are invited to hear many stories situated in multiple modes of practicing law and participating in the building of justice.  The principal message, that nothing is final, fixed, or finished, is illustrated through the central image – found in a story often repeated by Frank Iacobucci – of “building a cathedral”.  This is a book about identity, tracing the tale of a child born in Vancouver to semi-literate Italian immigrants who, ignoring the warning that he had the wrong kind of name to study law, went on to become a Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.  It is a book about responsibility, underscoring the significant post-retirement role played by Iacobucci in Canada’s multi-faceted and ongoing response to the legacy of Residential Schools.  It is also a book about the importance and power of intergenerational mentoring; written by a legal scholar with 30 years of experience in law teaching, it shows how our trajectories are shaped and our impact assessed through connections with others in our lives.  

Toutes nos félicitations à Shauna Van Praagh !

En savoir plus ici.

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 7 janvier 2023 à 1 h 20 min.