Chinese justice : From the past to the COVID-19 pandemic

La Coordination des Midis-conférences des Jeunes Chercheurs du CRDP a le plaisir de vous inviter à visionner la capsule vidéo de présentation de la conférence citée en titre.

Summary of the presentation : The notion of justice is often associated with concepts such as rightness, complete virtue, and equality. As the most significant virtue of social institutions, justice is a contextual notion in different countries. In Chinese, justice is translated to “Gongping” and “Zhengyi”. Gongping means “equality” and “Zhengyi” is a criterion for assessing right or wrong acts.  If one’s behavior aligns with the interest of the most population, his behavior is “zhengyi”. The Chinese notion of justice is framed by oriental values of Confucius, Taoism, and Buddhism. After the Open-up Reform in 1978, the Western notion of justice has also played a role. Gongping and zhengyi are guiding principles for many laws, in particular, where no specific articles are applicable. This is the case for using personal data to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic. This presentation reviews the Chinese notion of justice and how it applies to protect, use, and share personal data in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chinese notion of justice emphasizes the public interest and individual justice is an integral part of social justice.

Bon visionnement !

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 12 janvier 2022 à 22 h 10 min.